Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Light in Her Eyes

I think it was when the creaking of her rocking horse stopped that I noticed Baby's interest in our lesson for Family Home Evening tonight.

She rocked through the opening prayer, and paused for the opening song, but it was when the video started that she totally got off her rocking horse and came to sit right in front of my laptop.

I loved seeing the light of the screen reflecting into her blue eyes.

She wanted to watch another one.

Brother, seeing her intrigue, became interested also and had to turn of the lights in her bedroom where we had gathered to add to the "movie" feel of our FHE lesson.

I didn't watch the second film at all. It was about working in the Lord's vineyard, but all I watched was the sweet, angelic faces lit by the cool glow of the computer screen.

In two minutes the lights were back on and craziness returned for our closing song and prayer.

But, for those few minutes during the sweet videos about Jesus Christ's life, I felt like a good mom.

I have taught them of Christ and I could see their love for Him.

Definitely an UP.

Day 12 of 365 days of UP

1 remarks:

vickit43 said...

Love! I am so glad that you and your family had an up night!!